ISO certificates are a guarantee for the company that it focuses on the quality of products and services provided, deals with the stability of its processes, their management and continuous improvement, with the aim of satisfying the customer’s needs at a reasonable price. We can say that certificates are proof of professionalism and seriousness for the company.
EXTEC GROUP has the following certificates:
– ISO 9001 (Quality Management System Certificate)
– ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System Certificate)
– ISO 45001 (OHS Management System Certificate)
– PTTI (Quality Assurance Notification)
– OBÚ (Authorization from the regional mining office)
– TIČR (Authorization from the technical inspection)
– SCC (Safety Certificate Contractors)
Quality Management System Certificate
A quality certificate is not only a privilege of large companies, but is increasingly desirable for small and medium-sized enterprises as well. What does the company actually need it for? If a company wants to apply for state contracts or foreign contracts, a quality certificate is essential for the company. It cannot be explained in a few sentences because it is a complex field, but for easier understanding it is one of the basic management tools for ensuring and achieving quality. In the eyes of the customer, a company with a quality certificate is a safe choice because they know that certain quality standards are being followed. The quality management certificate is a basic certificate intended for every company and its importance lies in improving work and increasing customer satisfaction.

Environmental Management System Certificate
The basic purpose of the certificate is to protect the environment in all aspects of business that have an impact on the environment. It is a guarantee for every customer and supplier that the company adheres to the principles of environmental protection, focusing its attention on professional waste management, recycling and reducing energy consumption. It is intended for all companies, regardless of the field of activity, that want to improve access to the environment and increase credibility for the general public and customers.

OHS Management System Certificate
The principle of the safety certificate is to identify possible risks in the workplace and their effective management in such a way as to minimize possible damage to health and related consequences. By introducing this standard, we declare that we are not indifferent to the health of our employees, as we emphasize the prevention and minimization of risks and consequences in activities connected with the functioning of the company. It does not focus exclusively on the risk of injury, but, for example, on the good condition and mental well-being of the worker. This certificate is more and more in demand in tenders with important partners, which will make it easier for you to get interesting business opportunities.

Quality Assurance Notification
Certification from the Physical Technical Testing Institute (PTTI) shows that the company emphasizes the quality of its products or services and adheres to strict norms and standards. For business partners, working with a certified company can be less risky, as certification usually includes regular inspection and monitoring to maintain high quality.

Authorization from the regional mining office
The Obvodní báňský úřad (OBÚ) is a state body that oversees compliance with laws and regulations relating to the extraction and use of mineral resources, environmental protection and safety in mining and industrial activities. Authorizations from the OBÚ are important in terms of legal compliance and ensuring safety and environmental protection in industries.

Authorization from the technical inspection
Authorizations from the Technical Inspection of the Czech Republic (TICR) are important for a company in the Czech Republic in terms of ensuring safety, quality and compliance with technical regulations for certain products or equipment. TICR is a state body that supervises the technical safety and quality of products and equipment on the market.

Safety Certificate Contractors
An internationally recognized standard that includes the highest occupational safety, health and environmental requirements for industrial organizations. It proves that you have taken all measures to reduce and eliminate the risk that your employees face at work or that could endanger the environment.
The SCC certificate is a sign of trust for business partners and suppliers that the hazardous work you carry out is ensured by qualified personnel with professional management.

For state contracts, ISO certificates are often a condition and are also required by foreign customers. It is a kind of guarantee for them that a supplier from a foreign country will be a responsible partner who will deliver quality services or quality goods. If you are thinking about choosing a certificate for your company, it is better to consult an expert in the field of quality management. Based on the focus of the company and its future direction, he will be best able to say which certificate to choose.